Simplify Your Life, Enhance Your Experience!
Translation style and expressions aligns with the terminology and style preferences of each law firm or organization is essential.
Customized Translation
Improved operational efficiency, faster turnaround times, and extreme accuracy.
Fast and Accurate
All translation processes and documents are encrypted, and the translation model we've trained is managed individually.
Why AILingGo
Tailored solutions optimized for lawyer-client confidentiality and workflow efficiency
Reviews by top attorneys and legal experts
Based on refined legal data accumulated over 20 years in the field of law
Dedicated support from AI technology engineers
Empower Your Law Firm's Competitiveness Today with AILingGo!
In my capacity as an executive at the law firm, I've always been concerned about the possibility of client information being leaked to external sources. However, 'OTran' appears to be secure, and I highly recommend its use to our affiliated attorneys.
Attorney 000
In our law firm, we have a specific set of words and style that we primarily use. OTran is able to capture that and translate it into our style, making it convenient for us to use.
Attorney 000
The existing translation service wasn't optimized for legal matters, making it difficult to make modifications, but 'Otran' works accurately and well.
Attorney 000
As a new lawyer, I used to constantly rush to translate contracts, but with 'OTran', I can quickly handle my tasks, which has given me more personal time
Attorney 000